Ecosystem News
Cii National Council On Corporate Governance: Avaana Founder Anjali Bansal Invited As Member
The CII Corporate Governance Council guides industry initiatives in fostering a culture of corporate governance in the Indian Industry. The Council for 2019-20 is chaired by Mr Keki Mistry, Vice Chairperson and CEO of HDFC Limited, and includes statured names from the industry. Ms Anjali Bansal, Founder of Avaana Capital was invited to be a member of the council. The first meeting of the Council was held on August 29, 2019.
BusinessWorld 40 Under 40: AVAANA Founder Anjali Bansal on jury
BusinessWorld (BW) 40 Under 40 organized by BW Disrupt celebrates the brightest young entrepreneurs and innovators under the age of 40. This was the first ever BW Disrupt 40 under 40 list and Ms.Bansal was a part of the jury. The event was held in the month of October.
Source: BusinessWorld
AVAANA as mentor at Finance Forward: South Asia 2019
Avaana was delighted to be a mentor at the Finance Forward: South Asia 2019 accelerator program organized by Village Capital. Ms. Prachee Banthia Dhondge interacted with budding entrepreneurs building innovative and affordable solutions that cater to the undeserved individuals, households, and small business owners in the financial inclusion space.